When it comes to dental implant placement and restoration, the right approach to care will provide significant benefits. A permanent prosthetic appliance can have significant benefits for your smile as well as your dental function. You can trust your restoration to remain stable even as you depend on it to bite and chew. It is also possible to receive a lifelike appliance that makes your smile appear complete once again. Our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office is able to help patients see lasting value from their prosthetic treatment. We provide digital implant placement to ensure that you have lasting support and comfort from your restoration. (more…)
What To Expect From Our Cavity Treatments
Your goals regarding smile care should include a goal of preventing cavities. Once a problem with tooth decay develops, it will have to be addressed through restorative treatment. In the event that you do need help with this problem, our Rowlett, TX dental practice is here to help. Through the right procedure, we can make sure that decay is no longer an issue. We can also see to it that your tooth is supported with a durable and lifelike restoration. Remember that regular checkups and cleanings play an important role in both the prevention of cavities and their early detection. Timely warnings about this issue can make treatment more conservative and preserve more of your healthy enamel. (more…)
Enjoy Convenient Teeth Whitening Treatment
A person whose teeth appear dull and discolored can have a tough time maintaining confidence in their overall appearance. If you are someone who has this issue, you can see real improvements when you talk to your Rowlett, TX dentist about the benefits of a whitening treatment. Rather than try to make changes with a store bought whitening kit, which can have less than impressive results, you can take home a more potent treatment kit, one that is customized for your use. You can also make arrangements to see us for a one-visit in-office procedure. We should note that we are able to help with more than just teeth stains, as we can also deliver results when you need to address intrinsic discoloration. (more…)
We Can Close Embarrassing Gaps Between Teeth
Even a small amount of excess space between teeth can be a source of discomfort for a person. A gap in your smile can make you self-conscious because it draws unwanted attention. It is also a concern because it can represent a larger issue with poor teeth spacing that hurts the way you look. At our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office, we can provide answers on orthodontic treatment that suit you. In addition to discussing work with traditional appliances, we can look into an approach that relies on Invisalign appliances. For some, the Six Month Smiles approach will offer welcome results in a shorter than expected time! (more…)
Teeth Cleanings And Preventive Dentistry
Simply put, if you want to avoid problems with your oral health, you should have a reliable oral hygiene routine that you follow on a consistent basis. That means keeping up with daily habits that guard you against the threats of tooth decay and gum disease, but it also means reliably seeing your dentist for routine dental checkups and cleanings on a semiannual basis. Our Rowlett, TX dental practice can help you protect yourself against different smile threats when you come in for routine services. The cleanings we provide play an important role in this, as they help to protect you against dental decay, gum disease, and tartar accumulation. (more…)
Details On Digital Dental Implant Placement
Until you do something about tooth loss, you can feel frustrated by problems with your bite function as well as with the way you look. Until you look into how the problem is treated, you may not realize just how much good a permanently held restoration can do. At our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office, we rely on digital technology to plan dental implant placement. This technology helps us provide more precise treatment, limit your risk for complications, and even provide an easier recovery. The placement process is an important step in permanently replacing a lost tooth so that you can regain confidence in your appearance as well as your bite strength and stability. (more…)
Is Bruxism Impacting Your Dental Health?
Are you overlooking an active threat to your smile and oral health? Sugary foods and drinks can create problems for our enamel. If you are not doing a good job brushing and flossing on a daily basis, lapses in your oral hygiene routine can spell trouble for your well-being. One thing to also look out for is a tendency to grind and clench your jaw. Teeth grinding will wear down your enamel over time. As this happens, you can begin to lose confidence in your appearance, and you can find yourself with chips and cracks that hurt your smile as well as your oral health. Our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office can help you manage this problem, which often causes problems during the night while you are at rest. (more…)
Successfully Fighting Enamel Stains
Enamel stains can prove difficult to avoid and also difficult to remove. As they accumulate over time, you can gradually lose confidence in your smile, as it can appear dull and unattractive, and you can have a hard time effectively addressing this problem. Fortunately, you do not have to confront teeth stains on your own! Our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office is ready to meet with you to talk about what the right procedure can do about the way you look. Because you can choose between the option of taking home a whitening kit and having a procedure performed at the office, you can have an easier time scheduling this service, which means you can soon see exciting changes that improve your smile! (more…)
What Questions Do You Have About Invisalign?
When you want to do something about your uneven smile, asking questions about your different treatment options can certainly be beneficial. The more you learn about alternatives to traditional metal braces, the more easily you can commit to another approach, one that is easier to fit into your life. Our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office is ready to discuss traditional corrective work, but we also provide Invisalign treatment as an alternative. For many people with mild to moderate issues with malocclusion, this is a solution that can lead to exciting changes while only making minimal changes to your daily routine. (more…)
Protection Offered By Checkups And Cleanings
If you are serious about avoiding problems with cavities and gum disease, you should depend on more than just your daily oral hygiene routine to protect you. A combination of good daily habits and preventive dental exams and cleanings will help you avoid the kind of difficulties that require restorative services. Our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office is here to provide support in the form of thorough reviews and careful cleanings that remove harmful plaque and tartar from teeth. In the course of these visits, we can identify the early signs of trouble with your oral health so that you can undergo treatment before there are complications to address. (more…)