Why is tartar buildup so much trouble for a person’s oral health? When you clean your teeth, you can remove plaque buildup, as well as any deposits of food that might be present on teeth. Unfortunately, your efforts at home can prove ineffective against any tartar deposits that are already present. Tartar buildup will remain… Read more »
Month: June 2020
What Should I Do If I Keep Grinding My Teeth At Night?
Does every morning start with a bout of dental pain or sensitivity? Are you sometimes feeling discomfort in your face and jaw throughout the day? You may have realized that you are grinding your teeth at night, but what can you do to put a stop to this problem? Sometimes, an adjustment in sleeping habits,… Read more »
What Should You Do To Help Your Child Prevent Cavities?
Your role as a parent will see you going out of your way to both protect your child, and help them learn to protect themselves. While you will initially be responsible for cleaning their teeth, a point comes where they are ready to begin brushing and flossing on their own. This can be a big… Read more »
3 Things To Consider If You Learn You Have A Cavity
It would be ridiculous to see someone jump for joy at the news they need restorative dental work for a cavity. After all, once this problem occurs, there will be permanent damage to your tooth structure, as well as the need to carefully remove the decayed portion to stop its spread. While you can be… Read more »