Category: Dental Emergencies

When Should You See Us For Emergency Dentistry?

rowlett dental emergency

When you have cracked or chipped a tooth, or one is knocked loose or out completely, then you need to see us right away. Dental emergency care means we can help, even outside of normal business hours. In today’s blog, your Rowlett, TX, dentist talks about our approach to treating common dental emergencies.

Oral Emergencies During The Holidays

Santa Rowlett TX

This time of year sees an overall increased risk to the health of our mouth. We are more likely to be traveling, which can create new spaces or environments that we may not be used to. There are also many stressors that come specifically around the holidays, and the added anxiety increases the likelihood of… Read more »

Seeking Help For A Chipped Or Cracked Tooth

image of a woman unhappy about a chipped or cracked tooth

When is it appropriate to make a dental appointment over a chipped or cracked tooth? Should you be less concerned about the injury if it is difficult for others to see, or if it seems relatively minor? Any damage that affects your enamel should worry you. There is a risk for further harm to affect… Read more »

Your Injured Tooth Can Be Vulnerable To An Infection

How much harm is there in choosing to ignore a tooth injury? If the problem is not evaluated and treated, there is a chance that your injury can lead to the infection of your tooth. As a result, you can start to experience problems with swelling, pain, and concerning changes in the tooth’s color. The… Read more »

A Root Canal Can Address Issues With Serious Tooth Pain

That ache in your tooth seems to have come from nowhere, and it is showing no signs of going away on its own. What is wrong, and how concerned should you be about the matter? An issue with pain or sensitivity can arise because of an infection, which can form when a cavity goes untreated…. Read more »

Address Dental Emergencies Quickly

Dental emergencies create stress, pain, and trauma in some cases. You can’t plan for a specific emergency, but you can prepare yourself in the event of a dental emergency. For one, you want to know who you would call for a dental emergency. Many dental offices offer emergency scheduling outside of normal business hours. In… Read more »