Tooth Replacement Solutions

Toonplant Rowlett TXIt’s possible that you are facing a tooth extraction. Or maybe the loss has already occurred, and you are looking for a suitable permanent replacement. For some people, the decision on how to move forward can be a little overwhelming, as it can truly alter the way you approach your oral health.

Every dental situation is a little different, so it is important to find the correct solution for you and your needs. The use of surgery is not something we take lightly, and for good measure. So the more you can familiarize yourself with your options, the better!

Today, your Rowlett, TX dentist writes on some of the most common replacement methods, so you might be able to make the best decision possible! (more…)

Keep Your Child’s Mouth Safe

Kid Rowlett TXOne of the most difficult habits to instill in children is oral health hygiene. But even before they are able to brush their own teeth, the state of their mouth can lead to serious effects later in life. So no matter what age your child is, from baby to a teen, it is important to be able to navigate their health.

Even before their first set of teeth emerge when they are a baby, their periodontal health is incredibly important. For reasons we will get into, they are unable to unconsciously care for themselves in the way that older children and adults are able to do.

So today, your Rowlett, TX dentist speaks about just some of the concerns that address children at different stages of their development. Also, what to look for in case they cannot properly explain (or even know) something is growing improperly. (more…)

Navigate The Risks Of Pregnancy

Pregnant Rowlett TXIf you are on your way to having a child, the massive amount of health issues that you have to track can be overwhelming. Our bodies change in such a radical way in order to facilitate the growth of another human being. Sometimes these changes can put the health of a mother at risk, so it is very important not to overlook the possible danger.

Our mouths are certainly no exception. Changes in hormones can place your gum tissue at serious risk of developing periodontal disease. This is the inflammation and infection of this biological matter, and it can be very damaging to your oral health. Today, your Rowlett, TX dentist explains both the impicit hazards to your smile that come alongside a new child. Whether it is your first or your tenth, it is very important to keep your mouth healthy during pregnancy!


Oral Health For Diabetic Patients

Diabetes RowlettDiabetes is very common in the United States, with around 13% of the adult population having either the Type I or Type II forms of the condition. Despite its widespread prevalence within our population, many parts of it are not either ignored or simply not discussed. Its relation to your oral health is one area that may not be covered by your diabetes educator, especially if you first see them in the emergency room.

This disease affects many different aspects of your health, and knowledge can be key in preventing future complications. If you are a new diabetic, or if this is something you have dealt with for years, there is always something new to learn. Today, your Rowlett, TX dentist discusses the dangers that elevated blood glucose levels can do to your smile, in both its appearance and its strength! (more…)

When A Partial Crown Restores A Tooth

When your Rowlett, TX dentist responds to a problem with your oral health, you can expect treatment to include some kind of restoration. Restorations address the permanent loss of enamel after a cavity or injury is addressed. In addition to providing options for treatment with dental fillings and full crowns, we do provide positive results with partial crowns. Partial crowns come in the forms of inlays and onlays. These restorations offer a level of protection that falls between the conservative support of fillings and the advanced coverage of full crowns. Because this is an option at our practice, we can offer more personalized care and fewer changes to your tooth structure while still taking on problems with your health and appearance. (more…)

Can I Find Out If Invisalign Is Right For Me?

Does your smile suffer because of poor teeth spacing? If so, you may think that your only chance at fixing it comes from traditional orthodontic work with metal braces. What you can find instead is that there are more convenient treatment approaches that are available to you. With the use of Invisalign aligners provided through your Rowlett, TX dentist’s office, you can take on poor spacing through a process that has minimal effect on your appearance and daily life. In some cases, we may even be able to help patients without relying on orthodontic treatment, as we can instead recommend cosmetic dental work to hide conspicuous flaws. (more…)

Teeth Whitening Options We Can Offer You

There are few dental problems that can feel as glaring or as frustrating as dental discoloration. From the outside, it can appear to be an easy issue to fix—after all, there are often many products that offer to remove enamel stains available on the shelves of grocery stores and pharmacies. Unfortunately, these products that are commercially available can lack the kind of potency to make real change possible. Instead of depending on store bought treatment, you can talk to your Rowlett, TX dentist about what you can do about this problem. Our office can send you home with a more effective whitening agent, or we can bring you in for a single visit treatment that can make you feel better about how you look! (more…)

How Dental Cleanings Keep Smiles Healthy

Is your smile currently as healthy as it should be, or should you be worried that there is something wrong? With the right combination of daily oral hygiene efforts and regular dental appointments, you can have less to worry about when it comes to your dental well-being. The visits themselves do more than just update you about your oral health, as they also provide cleanings that lower your risk for future problems. Whenever you visit with your Rowlett, TX dentist, you can expect to receive a thorough cleaning that will fight tartar buildup and warn you about any signs of poor oral hygiene that you should know about. Falling out of the habit of attending appointments will make you vulnerable in several ways, as you miss out on preventive cleanings and also lose opportunities to receive early warnings about dental trouble. (more…)

Successfully Placing And Restoring Dental Implants

It can be difficult to live without your complete smile. Unfortunately, because tooth loss leads to complications that can impact your health and appearance in progressively worse ways over time, it can only become more difficult when you do not take steps to address the matter. Rather than live with limited bite support, embarrassment over your appearance, and heightened risks for issues like further tooth losses, talk to your Rowlett, TX dentist about implant dentistry. Because we rely on digital technology to determine just the right position for your implant post, we can make the initial placement easier while ensuring you have ideal support for your prosthetic. (more…)

Successful Cavity Care With Tooth-Colored Fillings

Our aim at our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office is to help patients remain safe from the kinds of problems that require more involved services. Of course, this does not mean that we are not ready to help you when a problem is present. In fact, when you keep up with routine dental exams and cleanings, you can have an easier time having trouble found and addressed before there are complications that have to be resolved. When we identify and treat a cavity, we can offer a tooth-colored filling to treat it. By doing so, we will be able to protect the surrounding enamel from problems, and we will also be able to restore your tooth structure without altering your smile! (more…)