Is this really the right time for you to begin orthodontic treatment? If you have issues with poor teeth spacing, or with teeth that look awkward or less attractive because they are out of alignment, remember that the sooner you start, the sooner you see results. You should also remember that these services can address issues that interfere with your oral health as well as the way you look. Our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office is prepared to take care of you if you want to do something about malocclusion. We offer both traditional braces and discreet Invisalign aligners, giving you options when it comes to how you can and should care for your smile. (more…)
Kids Need a Back-To-School Checkup
As you prepare to send your children back to school, you’re likely struggling to find supplies, new clothes, and juggling other items on your list. But don’t forget about their smile! A checkup before the year starts ensures they start with a healthier smile. In today’s blog, your Rowlett, TX, dentist talks about scheduling a back-to-school dental checkup.
Tips For Keeping Tartar Off Your Smile
Tartar deposits form over time when you have plaque build up on your teeth. The good news is that a consistent oral hygiene routine can control the accumulation of plaque to prevent this from happening. While you should feel confident in your daily efforts, you should also be aware that tartar can be a problem even for someone who is fully confident they are protecting their teeth and gums. To protect yourself effectively, you should combine daily habits with preventive appointments at your dentist’s office. Our Rowlett, TX dental practice can help you manage your dental and periodontal health by providing thorough cleanings during your routine oral health exams. (more…)
Making Plans To Fully Restore Your Smile
If your smile is not complete, it can be hard to smile with confidence, hard to enjoy some of your favorite foods, and hard to feel comfortable with your overall oral health. At our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office, we are able to help resolve problems with tooth loss through restorative work with dental implants! An implant-held appliance will help you bite and chew with more confidence, and it can also give you more confidence in your smile. We use digital technology to support the implant placement process, something that can make the experience better for several reasons. (more…)
A Way To Fight Tough Teeth Stains
Is there anything you can do to brighten your smile if you have hard-to-ignore teeth stains? People who have noticeable discoloration may try to fight it with store bought whitening agents, but this can lead to limited improvements. To make a more significant change in the way you look, our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office can recommend professional whitening treatment. With this approach to care, you can deal with deeper, tougher stains in as little as one appointment, or after a round of daily treatments with a take-home treatment. We can also help you if you have discoloration that stems from something other than enamel stains. (more…)
3 Issues Dental Crowns Help Us Resolve
There are several oral health issues that patients bring to us. While cavities are a serious issue, one that we are ready to deal with, it is just one concern that can make restorative treatment necessary. At our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office, we can intervene to address the different problems that may upset you and hurt your smile. In many situations, we can actually address these problems with dental crowns. Depending on the situation, we may use a partial or a full crown in your treatment. These restorations can even help us restore a person’s full smile if they have experienced tooth loss! (more…)
Realigning Your Uneven Smile
We often think of orthodontic work as something that happens in our teen years. Malocclusion affects many people, but the problem can be recognized early and addressed before adulthood. However, not everyone has this procedure in this time, and some who do can see changes in their appearance as their teeth return to their original positions. Our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office can help you if you want to realign your uneven smile, even if you have already had your smile straightened in the past. We offer different treatment options, including Invisalign treatment, so that we can help you improve how you look. (more…)
Diet Choices And Dental Discoloration
The diet choices we make affect us in different ways. Obviously, one concern is that the wrong foods and drinks can affect our weight and general health. For someone who has a weakness for sweets, the wrong choices also lead to more cavity risks. You should also be aware of how what you consume affects your risk for developing teeth stains. A wide array of products can potentially leave stains that accumulate and worsen as time passes. Your Rowlett, TX dentist can help you deal with this problem. In fact, we can provide services to brighten your smile even if you have serious concerns about discoloration that have developed over time, or if you need to do something about other causes of discoloration. (more…)
How Long Should I Go Between Teeth Cleanings?
Hopefully, you take the time to clean your teeth every day. In fact, an effective oral hygiene routine should see you brush two times a day, and floss at least once. If you are consistent with this, your risk for experiencing dental or periodontal problems will go down. However, you should be careful not to assume that your routine is all you need to defend your teeth and gums from problems! At routine dental exams, you enjoy important reviews and feedback about your oral health as well as cleanings that make it easier to maintain a problem-free smile. Our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office is ready to work with you to help you maintain your oral health, but remember that we are also here to step in and treat you if something is wrong. (more…)
Digital Technology And Implant Placement
When you explore just how much trouble tooth loss can cause, keep in mind that missing teeth also leave you missing roots. Our teeth roots do more than just help with stability and bite support. They also provide support for their neighbors, which lowers your risk for those teeth becoming loose, or even being lost themselves. Our roots also stimulate our jawbone tissues, which is important for keeping the bone healthy through the years. At our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office, we can meet with you to discuss prosthetic treatment that relies on dental implants for support. Implants act in the place of lost roots. They can secure a restoration in its proper position, support neighboring teeth, and even provide stimulation for jawbone tissues. With the digital technology we rely on to plan your placement, we can ensure that your implant is set in the optimal position to provide lasting support. (more…)