Digital Technology And Prosthetic Dentistry

Prosthetic dental work can have lasting value. That value goes beyond just restoring your appearance, though this is certainly important. With a restoration in place, you can feel more comfortable biting and chewing without difficulty, and you can even make sure neighboring teeth have adequate support to remain secure and in good health. Our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office can use digital imaging technology to take on problems with tooth loss. With digitally guided dental implants, we can provide a better placement experience, and we can make sure that your prosthetic work has the long-term benefits you hope to enjoy. (more…)

How Dental Veneers Improve A Smile

How much confidence do you currently have in your smile? If you feel uncomfortable letting people see your teeth in pictures, or when you engage in social activities, it can be hard to make the right impression. Unfortunately, it can feel as though one minor flaw is all that it takes to rob you of a truly attractive appearance. The good news is that the right cosmetic procedure can help with both relatively small concerns and bigger issues. Our Rowlett, TX dental practice can offer support with dental veneers. These porcelain-made restorations are slender enough to make conservative care possible, but through their placement, we can take on concerns with the shapes, sizes, and color of teeth! (more…)

Can A Root Canal Relieve Tooth Pain?

As tooth pain starts to impact your quality of life, you can have understandable hope that your dentist will be able to help you. At our Rowlett, TX dental practice, we can provide a review of your oral health to determine what the discomfort is linked to, and what kind of care you might require. The pain you feel could be a warning that your tooth has internal issues from an advanced cavity or injury. If so, you can find that a root canal procedure will have to take place. This service will remove bacteria and damaged tissues to stop further discomfort from affecting you. In addition to providing this service, we can also provide protection in the form of a dental crown to keep you safe from further difficulties. (more…)

Tackling Smile Gaps With Invisalign

Until you do something about them, any gaps that exist between your teeth can be a source of embarrassment, one that holds you back from feeling truly confident in your smile. At our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office, we can help you take on these problems through Invisalign treatment! Your clear aligners will do the work of closing gaps, spacing out teeth that overlap, and taking on any other alignment issues that currently affect how you look. In addition to taking on problems with the way you look, this can help you improve your oral health and bite function! We should note that there are some patients who can benefit from other cosmetic services capable of hiding minor spacing flaws, which means they can see the results they want in less time. (more…)

The Protection Teeth Cleanings Provide

What you do for your smile when you brush and floss is important. These daily efforts put up a valuable line of defense against oral bacteria and food particles that can gather over time. If you have a routine that is consistent and thorough, and you maintain a smart diet that features limited sugar, is there anything else you need to do to protect yourself against oral health threats? As valuable as good habits can be, remember that you should also receive protection in the form of your regular teeth cleanings! At our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office, we can make sure that your smile is cared for during your regular evaluation, and we can provide protection in the form of cleanings that remove harmful plaque and tartar while discussing any concerns that we might have about certain areas of your smile being poorly supported. (more…)

Strategies For Making Teeth Whiter

When you decide to fight problems with dental discoloration, you can find it difficult to address the matter on your own. The products that you can find at your local grocery store or pharmacy can have limited benefits, which can lead to frustration. Are you able to make your teeth many shades whiter? With professional cosmetic dental work, more significant changes to the way you look can be seen. Our Rowlett, TX dental practice can provide take-home whitening treatments as well as in-office services to correct problems with enamel stains. Our practice is also prepared to help you when you want to do something about intrinsic discoloration. (more…)

Tips For Recognizing Symptoms Of Bruxism

How worried should you be if you think bruxism is affecting your smile and oral health? If you let the problem go without treatment, there are potentially serious consequences that you can face. This is because the frequent friction can wear down your enamel, which can lead to dental damage. You can also cause problems for your jaw, leading to persistent pain in the joints as well as your face, neck, shoulders, and head. At our Rowlett, TX dental practice, we can offer important services for patients bothered by bruxism. In addition to protecting you with a custom oral appliance, we can evaluate your smile and determine if you could benefit from cosmetic or restorative dental work. (more…)

Digital Dental Implants And Your Smile Care

What is implant dentistry really supposed to do for a patient? Beyond restoring the way you looked before tooth loss, can treatment with an implant in place to hold a restoration benefit you in other ways? This approach to prosthetic care can have value for several reasons—beyond its cosmetic benefits, it can give you better bite support, it can help you maintain the integrity of your jawbone, and it can even help you stabilize neighboring teeth! At our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office, we use digital imaging technology to provide your implant placement. By starting your restorative work in this positive way, we can give you a better overall treatment experience. (more…)

Making Time For Tooth Bonding Treatment

It may be exciting to hear what cosmetic treatment can do for your smile, but the idea of treatment can feel intimidating if you assume that it will be a longer or involved process. What can surprise you is just how much good can be done in one appointment. Through tooth bonding services, there are many beneficial changes that we can make in a short time, and with a surprisingly conservative approach to care. Your Rowlett, TX dentist can complete this work in as little as one appointment, as it does not require the placement of a permanent restoration. Instead, we use a composite resin material to carefully cover up problems with your appearance that make you unhappy with how you look. (more…)

Cavity Treatment That Preserves Your Smile

With the right combination of smart dieting, consistent oral hygiene efforts, and regular dental exams, you can control your risk for dental decay. If you do find yourself in need of treatment because of a cavity, you should know that your Rowlett, TX dentist can help. In addition to taking care of the immediate threat of spreading decay, we can provide a durable and discreet restoration that protects your tooth without changing your smile. Whether you require a dental filling or dental crown, we can take care to provide one that will stay secure, allow you to bite and chew without issue, and preserve your appearance! (more…)