Have You Gone Too Long Without A Teeth Cleaning?

Hopefully, you take the time to thoroughly clean your teeth every day. By doing so, you provide good support for your smile against threats like tooth decay and gum disease. With that said, these practices – while important – are not capable of doing everything you might need to keep your teeth truly safe. If you have any tartar deposits that have formed since your last dental visit, they will remain in place until your next teeth cleaning takes place. Until tartar buildup has been removed, it will continue to make you vulnerable to problems with tooth decay and gum disease! At our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office, we are prepared to provide this and other important preventive services that will help you stay on top of your oral hygiene concerns. (more…)

See Real Results From A Whitening Treatment You Use At Home

Have you already tried to use a teeth whitening kit that you purchased from a nearby grocery store? If so, you may have found yourself staring at teeth that look brighter, but not as white as you had hoped they would be once you finished your treatments. While over the counter whitening agents can leave people disappointed, it is possible to see meaningful improvements from the comfort of your own home. Our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office is able to provide take-home whitening kits that include stronger bleaching agents that remove stains other products fail to address. Because of this, we can make it easier for you to start a whitening treatment while also giving you an opportunity to see more exciting changes! (more…)

3 Reasons To Address Tooth Loss With Dental Implants

How much do you really gain from having prosthetic dental work done? Will your treatment simply give you back your full smile, or will it provide additional help with biting and chewing? At our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office, we are prepared to work with patients who wish to replace missing teeth. By planning prosthetic work that includes dental implants, we can ensure that you have permanent restorations that remain in place. These restorations can help you bite, chew, and speak with greater comfort, they can help neighboring teeth stay in position, and they can even help you avoid problems with your jawbone. (more…)

Discreetly Close A Smile Gap With Invisalign Treatment

All it takes is one small gap between teeth to alter your smile symmetry and create a conspicuous flaw in your appearance. While you may have settled for trying to hide the problem by hiding your smile, you should know that orthodontic work can resolve this problem and give you renewed confidence in the way you look! As you explore the benefits of orthodontic treatment, you can learn that an adjustment with Invisalign can fix this problem discreetly. Our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office can talk you through the benefits of treatment with Invisalign, which can make changes to the way you look while also improving your bite function and dental health! (more…)

How Teeth Cleanings Fit Into Efforts To Protect Your Smile

While you should treat oral hygiene like a priority, you should also remember that you are not the only person who can care for your teeth! Every time you go in to see your Rowlett, TX dentist for a regular dental checkup, you receive a teeth cleaning that removes plaque and tartar buildup. Through this removal, your hygienist protects you against potential threats to your well-being. Both dental decay and gum disease can result if these deposits are allowed to remain in place. The removal of tartar by your hygienist is particularly important. While you can fight plaque on your own, any tartar deposits that have formed will remain in place until your next scheduled cleaning! (more…)

The Wrong Habits Can Leave You With Dull, Discolored Teeth

Your regular daily routine can have little effect on your appearance from one day to the next, but over a longer period of time certain choices can leave you with teeth that appear dull and discolored! People who use tobacco products, regular coffee drinkers, and many others can find that their habits have contributed to the accumulation of stains that have hurt the quality of their smile. At our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office, we can provide smile improvements through a professional whitening treatment. This service allows us to target stains that have gathered on your enamel and clear them away so that they no longer impact the way you look. This is one of many different cosmetic dental procedures that we currently provide to help patients smile with greater confidence. (more…)

What To Expect When Your Implant Placement Is Planned

When it comes to prosthetic dental work, planning is important. With the right preparation, it is possible to place a secure, lifelike prosthetic appliance that allows you to bite, chew, and smile with a renewed feeling of confidence. Our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office is prepared to help patients who are ready to discuss prosthetic work with dental implants. The digital imaging technology in our office allows us to locate the precise placement and angle of implants that will be used to support custom restorations. Proper placement is important for making sure a prosthetic feels comfortable, and for giving it the most bite support possible. (more…)

Enjoy Straighter Teeth In A Shorter Period Of Time

Even if you are excited to see how orthodontic treatment improves your smile, you may be frustrated by the idea of waiting for your teeth to be gradually moved into proper alignment. For some, this process of fixing gaps and overlaps may take less time than they realize. At our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office, we can talk with patients who qualify about the Six Month Smiles treatment approach. Through Six Month Smiles, we can shorten the overall process of shifting teeth, which means that you can be done with an adjustment in less time, and can begin showing off your improved smile! For those who are not good candidates for this treatment approach, we can recommend other solutions to effectively address their concerns about malocclusion. (more…)

What Can I Do To Avoid More Problems With Teeth Stains?

What issues are you having with teeth stains? For some people, problems with dental discoloration grow more frustrating as they try and fail to make their smile brighter with habit changes and over the counter whitening products. Others who have seen positive changes after a professional whitening treatment can be concerned about making sure their teeth remain bright after their procedure. At our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office, we can help you improve your smile, or make sure that the improvements you have sought are maintained. We are also ready to help individuals who have issues with discoloration that are found to be unrelated to problems with teeth stains. (more…)

Reasons To Consider Invisalign For Your Orthodontic Work

As you start to look into orthodontic work, you should know that you have more options than just treatment with traditional metal braces. People who want to fix smile gaps and overlaps, but feel reluctant to have a permanent appliance put in place, can opt to have Invisalign treatment. Invisalign appliances are clear, making them difficult to notice, and they can be easily removed by you whenever they might be in your way. At our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office, we are prepared to help patients who want to know their options for orthodontic treatment. Fixing smile flaws connected to malocclusion can do more than just change your smile – by committing to orthodontic work, you can enjoy real oral health benefits! (more…)