What Makes Someone A Good Candidate For Teeth Whitening?

Is there a reason why some people choose to discuss teeth whitening with their dentist instead of picking up a whitening kit from their store, or trying out a whitening toothpaste? If you have already tried to use these products to brighten your smile, you can feel frustrated by a lack of noticeable improvements. Your Rowlett, TX dentist is able to help you see more improvements by arranging a professional teeth whitening treatment. We offer two approaches to treatment:  For some, the option to take home an advanced whitening kit will be preferable, but others can be more interested in scheduling a procedure in the office. For both, we use effective bleaching agents that can remove stains that can remain when you try to whiten your teeth with over-the-counter products!

People Can Feel Let Down By Store-Bought Whitening Products

While store-bought teeth whitening treatments can be convenient and easy to access, the results they deliver can underwhelm people who want to see real improvements. Your teeth can be dulled by the gradual accumulation of stains from different foods and drinks. Over time, these stains can settle and become more difficult to remove. While a store-bought product can help remove recent stains, they can fail to do more to help you. If you want to make sure your smile is several shades whiter by the end of your treatment, discuss cosmetic dental work at our office!

Discussing Teeth Whitening With Your Dentist

As you discuss whitening treatment, you can learn about the benefits of both our take-home and in-office whitening treatments. Each of these can remove difficult, settled stains that have bothered you. Your take-home kit will include both advanced bleaching gels and trays that help you easily apply them to your enamel. Over a series of daily applications, you will be able to steadily improve your smile until you complete you final treatment. You can also come in and see us for a single-visit treatment. At that one appointment, we will safely activate these bleaching agents to deliver results in a short time.

Other Cosmetic Services That May Interest You

If you have more than just discoloration that you want to address, or if you want to do something about discoloration that is not linked to stains, we can help! Our office provides other cosmetic dental services that positively change the color, shape, and size of teeth. Tooth bonding treatment uses a composite resin substance to cover internal discoloration as well as chips, cracks, and other visible flaws. We can also restore teeth by capping them with custom porcelain veneers. Veneers are slim shells that only require minimal preparatory work to be set in place.

Talk To Your Rowlett, TX Dentist About Teeth Whitening

Rodem Tree Dental is ready to help patients who want to do something about discoloration! To find out more about how we can help you, please call our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office at 972-475-2321.