Category: Preventive Dentistry

Have You Gone Too Long Without A Teeth Cleaning?

Hopefully, you take the time to thoroughly clean your teeth every day. By doing so, you provide good support for your smile against threats like tooth decay and gum disease. With that said, these practices – while important – are not capable of doing everything you might need to keep your teeth truly safe. If… Read more »

How Teeth Cleanings Fit Into Efforts To Protect Your Smile

While you should treat oral hygiene like a priority, you should also remember that you are not the only person who can care for your teeth! Every time you go in to see your Rowlett, TX dentist for a regular dental checkup, you receive a teeth cleaning that removes plaque and tartar buildup. Through this… Read more »

An Oral Health Exam Looks Out For More Than Just Cavities

In the course of a routine dental exam, your Rowlett, TX dentist is going to take a close look at your smile and determine if there is any cause for alarm when it comes to dental decay. The early recognition and treatment of cavities helps you because it lowers the amount of work ultimately needed… Read more »

The Benefits Of Being Consistent With Dental Cleanings

woman happy with dental care

It is important to be consistent with your oral hygiene practices at home. When you brush and floss your teeth, you fight the buildup of harmful agents like bacteria and food debris before plaque and tartar formation can occur. As much as this consistency can protect you, it is important that you also take care… Read more »

3 Tips To Help You Stay Protected Against Tartar Buildup

Why is tartar buildup so much trouble for a person’s oral health? When you clean your teeth, you can remove plaque buildup, as well as any deposits of food that might be present on teeth. Unfortunately, your efforts at home can prove ineffective against any tartar deposits that are already present. Tartar buildup will remain… Read more »

What Should I Do If I Keep Grinding My Teeth At Night?

Does every morning start with a bout of dental pain or sensitivity? Are you sometimes feeling discomfort in your face and jaw throughout the day? You may have realized that you are grinding your teeth at night, but what can you do to put a stop to this problem? Sometimes, an adjustment in sleeping habits,… Read more »

What Should You Do To Help Your Child Prevent Cavities?

Your role as a parent will see you going out of your way to both protect your child, and help them learn to protect themselves. While you will initially be responsible for cleaning their teeth, a point comes where they are ready to begin brushing and flossing on their own. This can be a big… Read more »

Let’s Discuss Solutions For Dental Pain And Sensitivity

There are several issues that can lead to problems with dental pain or sensitivity. With that in mind, it may not surprise you to know that different treatments can be recommended for patients who struggle with this form of discomfort. Our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office is prepared to help you understand why you have started… Read more »

Flossing Should Be Part Of Your Daily Oral Care Routine

Are you currently doing enough to make sure your smile is safe from the formation of a cavity, or the onset of gingivitis? Brushing thoroughly, and on a consistent basis, can provide an important defense against dental problems, but this should not be your only form of preventive care. By flossing every day, you can… Read more »

3 Small Changes That Can Help You Protect Your Smile

If you want to do a better job protecting your smile, you might be surprised to know that relatively small changes in your routine can have big benefits. The right corrections to your oral hygiene routine, or some modest changes in your diet, can help you lower your risk for cavities and gum disease, and… Read more »