Category: Orthodontics

Should I Commit To Invisalign Treatment?

If you feel unhappy with your smile because of poorly spaced teeth, it can feel as if your choices are living with these flaws or depending on metal braces for an extended length of time. Metal braces do important work, and are especially helpful for those who have significant issues with malocclusion. With that said,… Read more »

We Can Close Embarrassing Gaps Between Teeth

Even a small amount of excess space between teeth can be a source of discomfort for a person. A gap in your smile can make you self-conscious because it draws unwanted attention. It is also a concern because it can represent a larger issue with poor teeth spacing that hurts the way you look. At… Read more »

What Questions Do You Have About Invisalign?

When you want to do something about your uneven smile, asking questions about your different treatment options can certainly be beneficial. The more you learn about alternatives to traditional metal braces, the more easily you can commit to another approach, one that is easier to fit into your life. Our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office is… Read more »

3 Questions You Might Have About Orthodontics

While many people have some concerns about teeth that look improperly spaced, they will not bring the matter up with their dentist because they have concerns about what orthodontic treatment might involve. However, if you look into your options, you can find that a conservative approach, one that has little impact on your daily life,… Read more »

Choosing Invisalign For Orthodontic Treatment

You feel ready to begin orthodontic treatment, but you still feel reluctant to wear metal braces. Is there something that you can do to more discreetly fix spacing flaws? At our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office, we can offer Invisalign as a form of orthodontic treatment. With these clear appliances, we can address gaps, overlaps, and… Read more »

Should You Begin Orthodontic Treatment?

Is this really the right time for you to begin orthodontic treatment? If you have issues with poor teeth spacing, or with teeth that look awkward or less attractive because they are out of alignment, remember that the sooner you start, the sooner you see results. You should also remember that these services can address… Read more »

Realigning Your Uneven Smile

We often think of orthodontic work as something that happens in our teen years. Malocclusion affects many people, but the problem can be recognized early and addressed before adulthood. However, not everyone has this procedure in this time, and some who do can see changes in their appearance as their teeth return to their original… Read more »

Let Invisalign Boost Your Smile Confidence

When your teeth are not properly aligned, it can be hard for you to feel fully confident in the way you look when you smile. Even minor problems with malocclusion are enough to negatively affect your appearance, as you can have problems with noticeable gaps or overlaps, or you can feel too aware of how… Read more »

Orthodontic Work And Your Dental Health

If you are considering orthodontic work, should you expect to enjoy anything more than cosmetic improvements? The changes you make to your smile can certainly be exciting. At the end of corrective work, you can have a more symmetrical appearance, and you can be free from issues with gaps or overlaps between your teeth. With… Read more »

Are You Ready To Start Planning Invisalign Treatment?

You want to do something about problems with the spacing of your teeth, and you are eager to learn about alternative treatment options to traditional orthodontic appliances. With Invisalign aligners, you can take on problems with gaps and overlaps between teeth without committing to permanent metal braces. At our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office, we can… Read more »