How Dental Cleanings Address Tartar Buildup

You should do something about plaque and tartar formation on a daily basis. By thoroughly brushing at least twice a day and flossing at least once, you can keep bacteria and food particles off of your smile and prevent the accumulation of harmful substances that raise your risk for problems like tooth decay and gum disease. On a consistent recommended basis, you should also count on your regular dental exams and cleanings to protect you against these materials. Teeth cleanings at our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office provide particularly important protection against tartar buildup—while you can remove plaque deposits before they harden to tartar, deposits that are already present will remain until your next preventive treatment.

What Is Your Risk For Tartar Formation?

You can reduce your risk for tartar buildup when you keep up with a good smile care routine, one that sees you regularly and thoroughly clean your teeth. Unfortunately, even those people who stick to thorough routines can experience some problems with this substance, as it can form in less time than you anticipate. To make sure you are not affected by it, you should stick with regular dental exams and cleanings even when you are confident in your daily efforts.

Keeping Up With Regular Dental Checkups And Cleanings

When you begin to skip your regular dental exams and cleanings, you raise your risk for problems that require restorative dental work. The cleanings that take place during regular appointments is effective at lowering your risk for cavities and gum disease because these sessions can successfully fight tartar. They also lead to timely warnings about trouble that will have to be addressed to prevent complications. Though it may be disappointing to hear that you have a cavity or problems with gum disease, timely treatment can stop something worse from affecting your smile, as both of these issues can worsen and require more advanced treatment.

What Are You Doing To Protect Your Smile Between Visits?

Keeping up with your oral hygiene routine calls for more than just consistency. You also want to be thorough each time you brush and floss. Give yourself at least two minutes every time you brush so that you can reach and tend to every area. Remember to floss with a vertical motion, as this helps clear out the spaces between teeth more effectively and lower your risk for periodontal problems.

Talk To Your Rowlett, TX Dentist About Protection Through Teeth Cleanings And Exams

Through consistent preventive dental care, you can avoid problems with tartar buildup, and you can lower your risk for issues like dental decay and gum disease. Our practice is ready to help you enjoy reliable treatment on a consistent basis, and we are prepared to step in when active problems need to be managed. If you would like to find out more, contact Rodem Tree Dental in Rowlett, TX at 972-475-2321 to set up an appointment.