A Look At Two Teeth Whitening Options

rowlett teeth whiteningIf you have stains on the surfaces of your teeth. Don’t hide your smile or rely on less-than-stellar store-bought options. We have two different teeth whitening treatments to break up and remove unsightly stains from your smile. In today’s blog, your Rowlett, TX, dentist talks about professional teeth whitening.

The Factors Behind Stained Teeth

What causes our teeth to become stained? This could be due to a number of different factors. For example, when we drink beverages with dark pigments, like soda, red wine, coffee, and tea, this could discolor our smile. Foods and drinks high in sugar could promote plaque buildup, which makes stains more visible. Likewise lack of proper brushing and flossing could be a factor in the presence of plaque and teeth stains. As part of your treatment, our team will examine your smile to assess the cause and extent of your teeth stains, so we can choose the most appropriate treatment option.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

When you need results in a short time, you could benefit from our in-office teeth whitening option. With this option, results are possible in as little as one to two hours. The procedure involves our team first applying a protective coating to the lips and gums. We then add a special bleaching gel to the teeth. With a light, we activate the bleaching ingredients in the gel to begin breaking up stains and offering a brighter smile. We may repeat the process as needed.

An At-Home Whitening Treatment

To take on major stains and offer smiles up to eight shades brighter, we could offer a take-home option. Our team will start by taking detailed images of your smile to create a set of plastic trays. We then send you home with these trays and multiple plastic syringes of a powerful bleaching gel. At home, you add gel to the trays and wear them for a set amount of time, usually about an hour a day over a period of a week to ten days. You can use the trays and any leftover gel for touch-ups in the months to come. The trays help ensure even results across your smile, and keep the gel from being diluted by saliva.

If you have any questions about cosmetic dentistry, or about either of our teeth whitening treatments, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you smile with confidence and enjoy a bright smile that makes you feel confidence.


We want to help your smile shine with professional cosmetic treatment options! To learn more about cosmetic dentistry and our teeth whitening treatment options, call Rodem Tree Dental in Rowlett, TX, today at 972-475-2321.