How Dental Veneers Improve A Smile

How much confidence do you currently have in your smile? If you feel uncomfortable letting people see your teeth in pictures, or when you engage in social activities, it can be hard to make the right impression. Unfortunately, it can feel as though one minor flaw is all that it takes to rob you of a truly attractive appearance. The good news is that the right cosmetic procedure can help with both relatively small concerns and bigger issues. Our Rowlett, TX dental practice can offer support with dental veneers. These porcelain-made restorations are slender enough to make conservative care possible, but through their placement, we can take on concerns with the shapes, sizes, and color of teeth!

Are You Interested In Smile Improvements?

Whether you have one issue that makes you self-conscious or seemingly ambitious ideas about how you should change your smile, our practice can help! What can surprise you is just how much change you can see after one procedure. A cosmetic treatment that involves the creation and placement of dental veneers can hide many different issues, such as problems with teeth spacing, problems with the shape and size of your enamel, and more. This one treatment can have a significant impact on how you look, and it is something that we can complete in as little as two appointments!

Using Dental Veneers To Fix Embarrassing Flaws

By covering embarrassing problems with porcelain veneers, we can make remarkable changes to your appearance in a surprisingly short time. The first step in treating you in this way will involve both careful measurements of teeth and preparatory to work to make room for their restorations. The slender design of your veneers can make it easier for this process to occur, as we only need to remove a conservative amount of enamel. Once your restorations are ready, you will come to our practice for your second appointment, which is when your appliances will be put in place. Because the bonding process is permanent, you can expect long-term changes from this approach to smile care.

Should You Explore Other Cosmetic Treatment Options?

Cosmetic dentistry offers several solutions to problems that people have about the appearance of their teeth. You can take on an even more conservative form of care when you undergo a dental bonding procedure. This approach uses a composite resin substance instead of a permanent restoration to hide flaws.

Talk To Your Rowlett, TX Dentist About Cosmetic Work With Veneers!

Through the placement of custom-made dental veneers, we can take on different problems with your appearance that have made you unhappy with the way you look. Your care can take on discoloration, damaged enamel, problems with teeth spacing, and more! To find out how veneers and other cosmetic treatments can help you, contact Rodem Tree Dental in Rowlett, TX at 972-475-2321 to set up an appointment.