Spending Enough Time On Your Gum Health?

gum health rowlett txWhile we know that you love your teeth, they’re not the only part of your smile. You need to take care of your entire mouth, and that means making sure that you’re spending enough time on your gum health. Periodontal tissue provides serious support for your teeth, and when you go lax on your flossing, you put them at real risk of infection. Since this is the leading cause of adult tooth loss in this country, it’s important to keep your gums clean with consistent prevention.

With our team at Rodem Tree Dental in Rowlett, TX, you have the opportunity to refresh your gums with quality care. We put the effort into helping you keep your gums safe and clean, and we know how valuable that can be. If you’ve started to notice a shift in your gumline, then it’s time to talk to your dentist about making a change. When that happens, we’re here for you.

Spend enough time on your gum health. Keep things fresh with Rodem Tree!

How Long Has It Been Since Your Last Checkup?

If you’ve been meaning to get in to see your dentist for a checkup, now is your chance to do it. These visits are vital to your smile success, but often, it can be tough to find the time; it’s worth it to have a quality smile that you can trust. When you avoid your oral health team, you put yourself at real risk of developing certain problems within your mouth.

Most people need to see their provider once every six months for a cleaning and examination. If it’s been longer than that, then you’re due for a refresh, so come in and ask all of your oral health questions. We’re here to help.

Keep Up With Your Gum Health With Consistent Prevention

When you skip your visits to the dentist, you allow bacterial buildup to develop. The simple fact of the matter is that you can only do so much yourself, and there may be areas of your mouth that you are missing with your routine brushing and flossing. In these spots, plaque and tartar accumulation can start to do damage.

Your gumline can start to shift, and if you’ve started to see a change, call your dentist. They can help you to understand what’s going on and how to help. With ultrasonic scaling and root planing, you can keep your gumline free of plaque and tartar buildup.

Find Out More With Rodem Tree Dental

If it’s been a while since your last visit to the dentist, get back on the right track. To find out more about us or to schedule your next checkup, focus on your gum health with Rodem Tree Dental in Rowlett, TX today. Give us a call at (972)475-2321!