Protection Offered By Checkups And Cleanings

If you are serious about avoiding problems with cavities and gum disease, you should depend on more than just your daily oral hygiene routine to protect you. A combination of good daily habits and preventive dental exams and cleanings will help you avoid the kind of difficulties that require restorative services. Our Rowlett, TX dentist’s office is here to provide support in the form of thorough reviews and careful cleanings that remove harmful plaque and tartar from teeth. In the course of these visits, we can identify the early signs of trouble with your oral health so that you can undergo treatment before there are complications to address.

How Often Should You See Your Dentist For Preventive Care?

For a typical patient, semiannual dental visits are recommended, which means you should have a new appointment booked once every six months. Going longer between these appointments can hurt your ability to prevent oral health issues, and it can allow problems that form between your visits more time to develop and worsen. Unless you are following instructions from your dentist when you rely on a different timeline, you should stick with plans to come in for preventive care two times per year.

The Benefits Of Regular Services To Support Your Oral Health

So what are your regular appointments doing to protect your smile? What makes these visits so beneficial if you already take time out of each day to care for your teeth? While it is important to thoroughly brush and floss, you can still leave behind plaque deposits that later form tartar, leaving you vulnerable to more oral health issues. Your hygienist can remove these deposits so that they no longer raise your risk for problems with your dental health. You can also count on your dentist to provide feedback about your smile, which can lead to timely support for dental decay, gum disease, and more potential concerns.

What To Expect If A Problem Is Identified At Your Appointment

There are times when additional dental services are recommended to a patient who has come in for routine care. If you have a cavity, we can provide the appropriate restorative dental work to stop decay from spreading further, and to provide treatment with a durable dental restoration. For other problems, we can help you understand what is happening with your smile and why we are recommending care.

Talk To Your Rowlett, TX Dentist About Scheduling Your Next Checkup And Cleaning

Through your regular visits with your Rowlett dentist, you can enjoy welcome feedback about the state of your smile and general oral health. If you would like to find out more about how we can take care of you, or if you are due for your next exam, contact Rodem Tree Dental in Rowlett, TX at 972-475-2321 to set up an appointment.