What Are the Signs and Risks Associated with Sleep Apnea?

Obstructive sleep apnea affects many adults on a nightly basis. Simply put, obstructive sleep apnea is caused by an obstruction in your airway that does not allow you to breathe while you sleep at night. In most cases, this obstruction is due to the shape of your bite, and the relaxation of oral tissue while you sleep. The obstruction will eventually cause you to wake up so that you can breathe. Waking up throughout the night does not allow you to get the restful sleep that you need to feel awake and focused throughout the day. Do you know the signs and risks associated with sleep apnea?

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Is Characterized by Certain Signs

The most common sign of sleep apnea is chronic snoring. If you’re an individual who snores on a nightly basis, this may be due to sleep apnea. When you fall asleep, your tongue may relax and block the flow of air through your throat. As the air fights to move in and out, it creates a loud noise, a snore. If you get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night, but you still feel drowsy and fatigued throughout the day, this may be a sign that your sleep isn’t restful, and it is instead being interrupted by apnea. Sleep deprivation can lead to mood swings and difficulty concentrating, which are additional signs of a problem.

Health Risks Accompany Sleep Apnea

Restful sleep allows your body and mind to recover each night. You need this recooperation to allow you to feel your best throughout the day. If you are deprived of sleep from sleep apnea, you may also develop certain health risks. Irritability and depression are often linked with chronic sleep apnea. The constant interruptions throughout the night can also increase your risk for high blood pressure and heart disease. Don’t ignore the signs of sleep apnea, because this condition can have serious ramifications.

Treating Sleep Apnea Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated

Treatment for sleep apnea doesn’t have to be complicated. To remedy obstructive sleep apnea, you simply need to open up your airway so that you can breathe comfortably and consistently while you sleep. Your dentist can do this for you in many cases by fabricating a custom oral appliance. The oral appliance fits like a mouthguard inside your mouth, and shifts your bite to allow air to flow freely throughout the night. If you’re exhibiting symptoms of sleep apnea, you should discuss the issue with your dentist.

Get Better Sleep at Rodem Tree Dental

Sleep apnea can put you at risk for serious health problems, which is why it’s important to know the signs of the condition. If it’s determined that you are suffering from sleep apnea, Rodem Tree Dental can help. We can evaluate your condition and determine whether or not a custom oral appliance will help you sleep better. Make an appointment at Rodem Tree Dental in Rowlett, TX by contacting our office at 972-475-2321.