What Is “Scaling and Root Planing?”

If you’re someone who doesn’t generally deal with any oral health issues, you may not be familiar with “scaling and root planing.” Also known as a “deep cleaning,” this isn’t a treatment that you’ll receive as part of your normal checkup and cleaning. That’s because scaling and root planing aren’t targeted at the surfaces of your teeth, but rather the portions of your teeth beneath the gum line. This is where gum disease can take hold. Scaling and root planing can reverse the effects of gingivitis and help you manage more advanced stages of gum disease.

Scaling and Root Planing Attack Bacteria Beneath the Gum Line

You’re probably familiar with how cavities form on your teeth. If you fail to adequately clean your teeth, plaques and tartar can form on the surface. Over time, the bacteria on the surface produces harmful acid that can wear away at your enamel and create a hole — a cavity. The same decay can take place beneath the surface of your gums. Bacteria builds up in this area and severs the connections between your teeth and your jaw bone. These connections can be repaired if you remove the infectious bacteria, and that’s what scaling and root planing does.

Scaling and Root Planing Carefully Remove Bacteria

Scaling is the process of removing bacteria from the surfaces of your tooth’s roots. Your dentist needs to get rid of all this bacteria before your teeth can begin to heal. In some cases that means physical removal of the bacteria. Your dentist may also use ultrasonic technology to disrupt and destroy the bacteria without having to physically scrape away at the infection. Root planing is the process of smoothing out the roots of your teeth so that they can form a clean connection to your jawbone and stay comfortably in place.

Know the Signs of Gum Disease and Seek Treatment

If you develop any of the telltale signs of gum disease, it’s important that you seek treatment right away to prevent a more serious condition from developing. Gingivitis, the initial stage of gum disease is characterized by chronic inflammation of the gums. You’ll notice a red spot on your gums which is painful and swollen. If you fail to treat gum disease in its early stages, it can progress to periodontitis. This advanced stage of gum disease causes the degradation of your jawbone, which leads to the loosening of your teeth. Ultimately your teeth can fall out.

Treat Gum Disease at Rodem Tree Dental

Don’t your gum disease become an issue that puts your teeth at risk. If you notice the signs of gingivitis, schedule an appointment at Rodem Tree Dental as soon as possible. We can use scaling and root planing to remove infection from beneath your gums and allow your teeth to heal. Schedule an appointment with Rodem Tree Dental by contacting our Rowlett, TX office by phone at 972-475-2321.